
Showing posts from December, 2009


           LIFEBOOK 2010   Health:


I told GOD: Let all my friends be healthy and happy forever...! GOD said: But for 4 days only....! I said: Yes, let them be a Spring Day, Summer Day, Autumn Day, and Winter Day. GOD said: No. 3 days.. I said: Yes, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. GOD said: No. 2 days! I said: Yes, a Bright Day (Daytime) and Dark Day (Night-time). GOD said: No, just 1 day! I said: Yes! GOD asked: Which Day? I said: Every Day in the living years of all my friends! GOD laughed, and said: You gujju know how to negotiate. But since you are praying and asking happiness for your friends, I can't refuse. I love everyone who thinks of others first, so don't you worry.  

Jack and Jill by XTV

        Here is how the TV news channel would report the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme. All names (except those of Jack and Jill), are fictitious. Prashant - TV Anchor Two persons have been injured in a freak climbing accident. Jack and his companion Jill had gone up a hill to fetch a pail of water when Jack fell down and broke his crown. Jill came tumbling after. Live from the hill, our reporter, Amrita Shah, takes up the story. Amrita Shah

MSDS - Woman


Men's advice


worth emulating?


Parsis have civilization; other Indians don't.

  A good read!!   Thursday, 10 December 2009 Parsis have civilization; other Indians don’t. Excerpt reprinted with the permission of Aakar Patel,   Indians have culture but not civilization. Culture is how we entertain ourselves; civilization is how we entertain others. Culture is our attitude to beauty and ugliness, to power, to religion, and to family. It shows in our music, in what makes us laugh. Civilization is our attitude to mankind. It’s defined as social development of an advanced stage, but civilization never actually arrives; it is only reached for. It assumes there is high purpose to life, to wealth, to culture. It

Celebration Means ..........

                                                                Celebration means......                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Four friends.                                                                                                                                  Bahar barsaat..(raining outside)                                                                                                                            no raincoat, no umbrella                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Celebration means......                                                      

Mobile phones, don't you just love them!

    --- Hilarious ...........   This could happen to you . I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the other toilet saying: 'Hi, how are you?' I'm not the type to start a conversation in the restroom but I don't know what got into me, so I answered, somewhat embarrassed, 'Doin' just fine!' And the other person says: 'So what are you up to?' What kind of question is that? At that point, I'm thinking this is too bizarre so I say: 'Uhhh, I'm like you, just traveling!' At

lawyer went duck hunting

A big city lawyer went duck hunting in rural North Cowra. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field on the other side of a fence. As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing. The litigator responded, "I shot a duck and it fell in this field, and now I'm going to retrieve it." The old farmer Peter replied, "This is my property, and you are not coming over here." The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial lawyers in Australia and, if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own." The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don't know how we settle disputes in North Cowra . We settle small disagreements like this with the 'Three Kick Rule'." The lawyer asked, "What is the 'Three Kick Rule'?" The Farmer replied, "Well, because the dispute occurs on my land, I get t