
Showing posts from April, 2012

Most men like women. But, most men like beer too !

Most men like women. But, most men like beer too ! So, for men it becomes a rather confusing choice between women and beer ! Following is a debate, developed by the University of Mumbai , in India.... to help you analyze which is better ! Here is the debate ....... A Beer is always wet, a woman is not ! :( 1 point for beer ! Beer is horrible, when it is hot ! but Women :) 1 point for women ! A cold beer, satisfies you ! but a cold Women :( 1 point for beer ! If you come back home smelling beer, your wife can get angry at you. If you come back home smelling women, your wife will get angry for sure and she might even not talk to you again ! Draw ! ( Depends on your point of view ... ) 10 beers in a night and then you can't drive. 10 women in one night and you don't have to drive anywhere ! 1 point for women ! The older, The beer is - the better, it is ! 1 point for beer ! Many beers can make you see UFO's. Many women can make you see God ! 1 point for women ! If you ask yours