Very true .... try it once

This Math’s Test
Can Predict Your
Your Role Model...
Try it without looking
at the Answer.!

Pick your Favourite No. from 1-9
Then Use that no.
Multiply by 3.
Then Add 3, then Again Multiply with 3
You'll get a 2 digit no. or a Three digit.
Add the digits.


Scroll down...................













Now with that No.
See Who Your ROLE MODEL is
from the List below  :

1.   Einstein
2.   Amitabh Bacchan
3.   Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam
4.   Tom Cruise
5.   Bill Gates
6.   Gandhiji
7.   AR Rahman
8.   Hitler
Raghuram Bathula
10. Aamir Khan

Very true ……..haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)



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