Going green is no longer just about Global Warming, or technological advances.

Let us encourage individuals worldwide to participate in the Do One Thing Challenge to take any individual green initiatives:
Step 1
It is great to talk about how important the Earth's environment is to you; but it is more important to put words into action. Some actions on our part are very simple and effective such as: Try to get by without air conditioning. If this isnt possible, turn down the A/C while youre away instead of turning it all the way off. It will take less energy to get it back up to a comfortable temperature.
Step 2
Take reusable bags with you to the store. If you forget and end up with plastic or paper bags, reuse them in creative ways.
Step 3
Turn off the lights when you are not in the room (this is an easy one that is quickly forgotten). Also, unplug your appliances when not in use; even when not in use they can be an "energy sink" just by being plugged in.
Step 4
Plant a tree or other plants. You might want to think about raising some edible plants (help the environment, save money on food, and feed healthy food to your family).
Step 5
Use refillable bottles for water. Bottled water is a huge culprit to having a clean environment. Stop buying all of those water bottles that fill up our land-fills. If you need special water, buy a water filter.
Step 6
Reuse what you can, like boxes for mailing and padded envelopes can have several uses in them. Be sure to black out the previous addresses and remove the used stamps.
Step 7
Plan your trips and combine as many errands into an outing as possible.
See if you can carpool to work, take a bus or ride a bike to work.
Step 8
Use natural cleaners whenever possible like lemons and baking soda. It is healthier for the environment as well as for your family.
Step 9
Pay bills online. Many banks, utility companies, cellular phone providers and other companies have begun offering the option of paperless billing. This means that rather than receiving a bill in the mail, you can receive a bill via e-mail and make payments online. Paying bills online is convenient and reduces needless paper waste at the same time. If you already pay bills online but still receive paper bills, check with your service providers about paperless billing.
Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.
We are more than the sum of our knowledge, we are the products of our imagination.


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