CNB Thought for December 2010

Compromise v/s Sacrifice

Some thoughts to chew over before burning the old man 2010 and welcoming the young man 2011! Is it enough to love, or is it important to love without waiting to be loved? What are we filled with - love or lust? The grand Master and the little Master discuss this topic in their own styles...

In true love, the mind always derives inspiration from something higher. This love expresses itself in the form of sacrifice. Such a love being absolutely unconditional remains ever permanent. There is no expectation of return from the beloved. The very act of loving itself fills the heart with joy and peace. True love blesses both the giver and the receiver.
In sharp contract is the case with lust. The love here remains so long as one gets what one needs from the beloved.

Lust follows the principle, "I love because I am loved", whereas in true love, it is "I am loved because I love". Lust says, "I love you because I need you", but true love says, "I need you because I love you".

- Swami Chinmayananda

"If you do not stand for something, you fall for everything".  Falling prey to temptation and giving up our values is called compromise. Withstanding temptations and living up to our ideals is called sacrifice. In both, there is renunciation. In the former, we renounce the higher for the sake of the lower; in the latter, the lower for the sake of the higher.

- Swami Tejomayananda


View the following link for details of Nrtya-Sura-Bharati - the year-end camp by Chinmaya Naada Bindu:


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