Look at the neighbors, I gave them."


God was in the process of creating the universe. And he


>was explaining to  his subordinates ......

>"Look everything should be in balance. For example,

>after every 10 deers there should be a lion.

>Look here my fellow angels, here is the country of the

>United States. I have blessed them with prosperity and

>money. But at the same time I have given them

>insecurity and tension....

>And here is Africa. I have given them beautiful nature.

>But at the same time, I have given them climatic


>And here is South America. I have given them lots of

>forests. But at the same time, I have given them lesser

>land so that they would have to cut off the forests...

>So you see fellows, everything should be in balance.

>One of the angels asked... "God, what is this extremely

>beautiful country here?"

>God said....... "Ahah...that is the crown piece of all.

>"INDIA", my most precious creation.

>It has understanding and friendly people. Sparkling

>streams, serene mountains.

>A culture which speaks of the great tradition that they

>live. Technologically brilliant and with a heart of


>The angel was quite surprised "But god you said

>everything should be in balance."


>God replied - "Look at the neighbors, I gave them."


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