World's costliest & cheapest petrol


An Interesting Read ....



 *The price of petrol in India is set to go through the roof. Reason?

Global oil prices are at all-time high levels (about $130 per barrel) and

the nation's public sector oil companies can no longer sustain the heavy

subsidy on petroleum products.


So which are the nations where the price of petrol is highest and lowest in

the world?


1. Turkey: Rs 113.30 per litre*


In Turkey, the prices of petrol are the highest in the world. Petrol costs a

whopping $2.68 or about Rs 113.30 per litre here. Guess, it's not a place

one would want to drive in.


*2. Norway (Oslo): Rs 112 per litre*


In Norway (Oslo), petrol prices are amongst the highest in the world and a

shade lower than those in Turkey. In Olso petrol costs $2.65 or about Rs 112

per litre.


*3. United Kingdom: Rs 95.50 per litre*


In United Kingdom, too, the cost of petrol is shockingly high. Petrol costs

$2.26 or about Rs 95.50 per litre here.


*4. Hong Kong: Rs 84.10 per litre*


In Hong Kong, petrol prices are a bit lower than in European nations, but it

still boasts of the most expensive oil in Asia. Petrol costs $1.99 or about

Rs 84.10 per litre in Hong Kong.


*5. Brazil (Sao Paolo): Rs 66 per litre*


In Brazil (Sao Paolo), the price of petrol is much higher than in India and

costs $1.56 or approximately Rs 66 per litre.


*6. Canada: Rs 57 per litre*


In Canada, petrol costs $1.35 or about Rs 57 per litre, slightly more than

the price in India or the United States.


*7. India: Rs 51 per litre*


In dollar terms, *the cost of petrol in India (in Mumbai, specifically) is

around $1.20 (Rs 50.76) per litre*. And it is set to rise by about 10-15 per



*8. Pakistan: Rs 44.80 per litre*


In Pakistan, petrol costs less than it does in India. At $1.06 or about Rs

44.80 per litre, petrol is still affordable here.


*9. The United States: Rs 44.25 per litre*


In United States, petrol costs $1.047 or about Rs 44.25 per litre. And this

is the price after a recent increase. Even this led to a huge uproar in the

nation and reports said that many Americans are now looking to drive

fuel-efficient small cars.


*10. Russia (Moscow): Rs 42.275 per litre*


In Russia (Moscow), petrol costs $1 or about Rs 42.275 per litre. Russia, of

course, also has huge oil reserves.


*11. China: Rs 31.30 per litre*


In China, petrol costs $0.74 or about Rs 31.30 per litre. That is almost

half of what it costs in India.


*12. Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur): Rs 25.40 per litre*


In Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), petrol costs $0.60 or about Rs 25.40 per litre.


*13. United Arab Emirates: Rs 15.65 per litre*


In the United Arab Emirates, petrol costs $0.37 or about Rs 15.65 per litre.



*14. Saudi Arabia (Riyadh): Rs 5 per litre*


In Saudi Arabia (Riyadh), petrol costs $0.12 or about Rs 5 per litre. That's

10 per cent of what it costs in India! Petrol costs are phenomenally cheap

in Riyadh, but not the cheapest in the world.


*15. Venezuela (Caracas): Rs 2.12 per litre*


In Venezuela (Caracas) petrol costs the least in the world. It is priced at

$0.05 or Rs 2.12 per litre!

The country subsidises fuel prices for its citizens from the money it makes

from selling crude oil to other nations. Venezuela is a major oil-producing



Next any of your friends or relatives visits Saudi, Dubai or Venezuela tell

them to bring Petrol instead of chocolates and perfumes.




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