He who has a WHY to live, can bear with almost any HOW

Good Morning and have a wonderful Friday!

  Few things collected from here and there, should interest you. 

  It was also reported from world capital markets that there were some mayhem across the markets yesterday. Markets has to go up and down and then only Operators get benifitted at the cost of panic stricken investers. In India the panic button is not pressed yet. But the button is getting energised to be activated very soon.


The attachments include one from the financial capital of India and another from some western news reports. Have a read ..Have a read in between lines too.


Take care..money makes the world go round. your money is the only thing you can depend on a rainy day!

Cheers for the Day!

Be patient and achieve all things, Be impatient and achieve all things faster .


Today there are few items of interest for Investors.

We all get elated when the BSE index reaches a new record. Definitely Stock index represents the Economic strength of the nation and now it is reaching new heights and we are all proud of that too.


If the industrial growth keeps up the pattern we may be the next country after China in national wealth in 25-30 years. This is no more a dream or wish, can be a reality. BRIC (Brazil Russia India and China) are the 4 countries in the accelerated growth path now with China leading the pack and INDIA closely following.


Sare jahan se acha Hindustan hamara..our bada Hindustan hamara..if not today ..in a near tommorrow.. be proud to be Indian!

Let us all strive to live that Day!



Old story for the day's context!

Once upon a time in a village a man appeared who announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for Rs. 10. The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys went out in the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at 10 and as supply started to diminish and villagers started to stop their effort he announced that now he would buy at 20 rupees.


This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching moneys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to 25 and the supply of monkeys became so that it was an effort to even see a monkey let alone catch it.


The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at 50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business his assistant would now buy on behalf of the man. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at 35 and when the man comes back you can sell it to him for 50. The villagers queued up with all their saving to buy the monkeys.


After that nobody found that man and that assistant, only monkies and monkies and monkies.....



The stock markets in India after a long Bull Run is now having some steep Up's and down. Jittery is my word for it. The brokers are not going to tell when that Bear eventually hits hard. This story above is much related to the earlier bull runs created by Harshad Metha and later; after all the SEBI instituted protections; Ketan Parekh replayed in a bigger way. As it is very well said, for a wise crook these restrictions are new challenges and brunt goes to the Aam aadmi at the end. We already know how Karvy had done the trick recently.


HM and KP created many Monkies (majority of course in Amchi Mumbai only) but the next time the incarnation may be in the form of Mutual Funds based in some rich western countries and it may well spread across all metrpolies in India.


So all the smart Stock investors..watch out that wise operator who is trying to grab your hard earned money with an insider advise to buy..buy!.


Otherwise I will have to see TOO many monkies in Mumbai too soon.


Now let us enjoy the Sardar with a difference.. but this time it is our never say die Sidhu!!

  Collection of famous quotes by Navjot Singh Sidhu :

1. That ball went so high it could have got an air hostess down with it.

2. There is light at the end of the tunnel for India , but it's that of an   incoming train which will run them over.

3. Experience is like a comb that life gives you when you are bald.

4. This quote was made after Ganguly called Dravid for a run and midway sent him back and Dravid was run out in the third test against the West Indies at Barbados . "Ganguly has thrown a drowning man both ends of the rope."

5. Sri Lankan score is running like an Indian taximeter.

6. Statistics are like miniskirts, they reveal more than what they hide.

7. Wickets are like wives - you never know which way they will turn!

8. He is like Indian three-wheeler, which will suck a lot of diesel but cannot go beyond 30!

9. The Indians are going to beat the Kiwis! Let me tell you, my friend that the Kiwi is the only bird in the whole world, which does not have wings!

10. As uncomfortable as a bum on a porcupine.

11. The ball whizzes past like a bumble -bee and the Indians are in the sea.

12. The Indians are finding the gaps like a pin a haystack.

13. The pitch is as dead as a dodo.

14. Deep Dasgupta is as confused as a child is in a topless bar!

15. The way Indian wickets are falling reminds of the cycle stand at Rajendra Talkies in Patiala one falls and everything else falls!

16. Indian team without Sachin is like giving Kiss without a Squeeze.

17. You cannot make Omelets without breaking the eggs.

18. Deep Dasgupta is not a Wicket Keeper, he is a goalkeeper. He must be given a free transfer to Manchester United.

19. He will fight a rattlesnake and give it the first two bites too.

20. One, who doesn't throw the dice, can never expect to score a six.

21. This quote was made after Eddie Nichols, the third umpire; ruled Shivnarine Chanderpaul 'NOT OUT' in the second test at Port of Spain T&T "Eddie Nichols is a man who cannot find his own buttocks with his two hands."

22. Anybody can pilot a ship when the sea is calm

23. Nobody travels on the road to success without a puncture or two.

24. You got to choose between tightening your belt or losing your pants.

25. The cat with gloves catches no mice.

26. Age has been perfect fire extinguisher for flaming youth.

27. You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard-boiled egg.

28. He is like a one-legged man in a bum kicking competition.

29. The third umpires should be changed as often as nappies and for the same reason.

30. Kumble's bowling at the moment is flat as a Dosa.


He who has a WHY to live, can bear with almost any HOW


Have a Great Friday and Merry Weekend.





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